November 08th, 2017

RMC DSP Forum Report

RMC DSP Forum Report

The second meeting of the EuRA RMC DSP Forum took place at the start of September.  The main focus for this meeting was to review the session that took place in Warsaw and drive forward ideas for the session in Dubrovnik.

The Forum was created by the EuRA RMC Group to air any issues that are coming up in the supply chain so that changes can be effected.  Over the years, those of you who work within the supply chain and have attended the sessions at the EuRA Conference will be aware that tensions can arise!  Our focus now is to get representation from members and use this forum to create solutions to the issues raised.  So in advance of this meeting we sent out a further survey to Warsaw session attendees asking; Please let us know what you thought of the session and what we can do to improve it for next year in Dubrovnik.  Answers included:

“I think this session is consistently one of the most honest and transparent in the industry.  While there have been moments in the past of conflict, to me I am there to hear open communication. Proper expectation setting is key to our industry and this forum allows for those exchanges. I don't have any particular agenda items but appreciate the opportunity for those that do to air them publicly.” 

“I think the approach and format were fine, but we needed more detailed analysis and discussion on the questions and feedback submitted before the conference. Lots of DSPs wanted to know why they were asked to complete RFPs multiple times (sometimes the same questions) and yet this is not my experience or the experience of any other RMC or DSP I spoke to. Ask DSPs what they really need to know from their RMC clients (and vice versa) then select the most interesting and relevant points - and have the right people on stage to discuss their opinions and approach. I would also plant a couple of people in the audience to ask questions at the end to encourage further discussion.”

In light of the responses, the group have structured the Dubrovnik session into two parts.   Part One will take place on Wednesday and will be open only to DSP’s.  The purpose will be to discuss the results of a survey that will be sent to members in January and come up with the questions that will be answered by the RMC panel in the session the following day.  The idea is that this closed group will be free to ask any questions they come up with.  If a member doesn’t want to put the question face to face, it will be put forward by Frances Edmonds who will moderate.  

The group also went on to discuss the really hot topic that’s about to land on all of us, the General Data Protection Regulation that comes into full force on May 18th next year.  This is going to have a significant impact on relocation and the supply chain.  Being compliant is going to be absolutely key to successful partnership in all parts of the supply chain and we are working with the RMC’s and our Strategic Consultants for Legal and Quality, Gordon Kerr and Martina Scharwey to publish a summary of what will need to be implemented by DSP’s and RMC’s to avoid falling foul of the new regulations.  We will keep you posted after the next meeting in January.


This article first appeared in the EuRApean - Edition November 2017


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