March 08th, 2018

RMC DSP Forum Report - By Dominic Tidey


The EuRA RMC DSP Forum is tasked with the tricky remit of improving communication between these two vital stakeholders in our industry.  When I joined EuRA 20 years ago there was a great deal of negative feeling from the DSP’s and I’m really delighted to be part of this initiative.  There is no doubt that the tone of the discussion has improved immeasurably over the last two decades.  EuRA is able to provide an impartial forum for open debate and we hope to widen this out to the delegates at the Dubrovnik conference.

Over the last few months the group have been working on a format for the conference session that would encourage as wide a conversation as possible on the current topics that of concern within the system.  We sent out a survey asking all members one single question;
“If you could ask one question to the RMC’s, what would it be?”  
If you haven’t given your response please click on the link to go to the survey.

So far we’ve highlighted a few topics that are coming up frequently including, how are DSP’s selected if price is not the only criteria?  Several respondents commented on the lack of knowledge of RMC assignment coordinators.  The issue of compliance and and greater sharing of information via more integrated systems is a key issue.  We also received two responses wanting to know more about the corporate culture of the customer in order to more accurately match consultants to clients.  

This will not be the definitive list and we are holding not one but two sessions in Dubrovnik.
Session one will take place after the conference opening on Wednesday afternoon at 17:00.  This session will only be open to DSP’s and myself and Tad will moderate along with EuRA Executive Group members.  The aim of this session is to formulate 10-12 questions for the RMC panel to answer during the RMC session the next day.

Session two will take place on Thursday from 14:30 - 16:00 and will be led by Alistair Murray, the EuRA Executive Group member who has been sitting on the Forum.  The participants from the first session will have the choice as to whether or not they want to place their question themselves or if they would prefer to remain anonymous, Alistair will take that role!

All of the participants in the forum felt this was the best way to structure a session that would genuinely answer the concerns that DSP’s have in working in the supply chain, and the RMC members of the Forum are keen to both hear what comes back to them for the EuRA Members but also, to work towards rectifying areas of confusion or discontent.

One thing I have seen in the change in the tone of the debate between RMC’s and DSP’s is that, despite long held issues around certain topics, (especially pricing) there is a much greater understanding of the essential nature of the partnership that underpins this relationship.  Like all marriages, disputes occur, but we don’t solve them with divorce, but with discourse!  Don’t miss the sessions.


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Dominic Tidey is the C.O.O. of EuRA, the European Relocation Association.  EuRA is the professional industry body for relocation providers and affiliated services. As a non-profit organisation EuRA aims to promote the benefits of a professionally managed relocation to companies with globally mobile employees.

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