February 06th, 2018

Why employee readiness is critical to successful international assignments

Always be prepared

Sending an employee on an international assignment is full of preparations: learning about a new culture, speaking a new language, figuring out how to get around. With all the anticipation and excitement around an international move, discussing some of the more complex preparations – like employee readiness – might not always get the time and attention it deserves.

Employee preparedness isn’t just important for those moving to perceived high-risk markets or hardship locations; it’s important to all international moves. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks and pandemics can occur anywhere.

How ready is your workforce for these challenges? As companies continue to send a large number of employees on both short- and long-term assignments to locations around the world, employee preparedness is an increasingly important issue. And employers play a vital role in making sure their employees have the tools, training and support they need.

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