Motivation for Change: The Human Factor Behind International Mobility

Pauline Six - Bright Expats

Being an expat is more than a status. It is a dynamic way of life, full of changes and transitions: an open mind to adopt when the change is coming that will make the Expat travel from one place to another and certainly will make him/her discover move about him/herself.



Alistair Murray - Relocation Support Services Ltd

Throughout the year leading up to the Dubrovnik conference, a series of preparation meetings took place featuring representatives from both Relocation Management Companies and Destination Service Providers to discuss previous feedback and agree the best format for the forum.  The RMCs within the group were adamant that this session is vitally important in our industry to provide DSPs with a platform to ask business critical questions, without the sterilisation of the previous year. 

Sophy King

Dubrovnik 2018 - Immigration Symposium

Sophy King - Newland Chase
EuRA President

President Report

I trust everyone did “survive” and are all now “thriving” following what was a great week in Dubrovnik. We were certainly blessed with the weather and a truly beautiful location.

I thought I would just share a few interesting post conference facts: