Repatriation - Overlooked and Under Invested?



The importance of understanding perceptions of time in the cross cultural relocation context


Anita Meyer

Okrug Gornji, May 22, 2014


Every day we are faced with confrontations between people, groups, and nations who think, feel and act differently. At the same time, these people, groups and nations are exposed to common problems that require cooperation for finding a common solution. One of the reasons why so many solutions do not work or cannot be implemented is because differences in thinking among the partners have been ignored.


Case Study - Dominic Tidey

The Intercultural Board;  How Culture Impacts on Intercultural Teams
Tad Zurlinden

CEO Report

Our Warsaw International Relocation Congress has the theme “The Power of Challenge” and our next, hugely exciting challenge, is the first EuRA Africa Conference which takes place in Cape Town in November.