April 03rd, 2018

Letter from the President

Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott - Dwellworks

When writing this, there are only 6 weeks to go before many of us will meet up in beautiful Croatia, for what I am sure is going to be an exciting and fun 20th EuRA conference. During the conference we will be taking a look back over the last 20 years and have invited some old friends from the EuRA family to join us. We will not however be dwelling on the past, as this year’s conference theme is Embracing Change, Thriving or Surviving and I know there are many sessions planned throughout conference week that really play to this theme and I would like to thank the many who have been working hard behind the scenes in their own time, to pull together these exciting sessions. All sessions and participants details can be found on the conference APP, so please make sure you download it.
2018 has got off to a very busy start I know for many of our members and looks to be another exciting year in our industry, which will inevitably bring more change and associated challenges. Change is something that comes as almost second nature in our world, with countries changing their immigration legislation with very short notice, or none at all, real estate markets having to adopt new practices to comply with government forced changes and on 25th May this year GDPR becomes a very significant legal requirement for many. I was looking at the definition of “embracing” change and it’s about accepting something enthusiastically, which got me to thinking, that we usually accept change as it’s a necessity, but how often do we look at how a change can positively help our, lives, our businesses, our teams, our clients and importantly our profits? Change can fuel innovation if it is embraced with that enthusiasm and positive approach. It helps to shape and focus our thoughts on the positive benefits that could be achieved. This is very much the essence of Thriving or Surviving and there will be many more smarter people sharing their insights and thoughts on this subject in Dubrovnik.
Moving on to later in the year, we are delighted with the initial response we have had from many members about the conference planned in Goa in November and I would personally like to thank our Indian based members, who 

have been unbelievably helpful in providing guidance and contacts to the EuRA team in setting up this event. More details to come during the year on the content and attendees for that event.
On behalf of the EuRA executive committee I would like to thank the EuRA team, that are currently working morning, noon and night to ensure every detail is taken care of for the conference in Dubrovnik. I am aware that there are still some people on the waiting list and hope that over the next week or so, places can be found for everyone. I guess the message for next year, is book early.
Finally safe travels to all who are heading to Dubrovnik and I wish everyone an exciting and profitable 2018.

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