July 15th, 2018

MIM+ Training


Carmelina Lawton Smith - EuRA Strategic Consultant Education

As part of the continued EuRA mission to professionalise the relocation industry, we have increased our portfolio of MIM+ courses and in Dubrovnik were able to offer a new face-to-face course demonstrating how the Myres Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI®) might apply in the world of relocation.

The MBTI is a well validated and internationally recognised personality profiling assessment that can enhance communication, improve our power to influence, facilitate team working and support personal development for leaders and staff. While administration of the assessment requires a qualified practitioner, it is possible to draw lessons from the framework that individuals can apply to their daily lives and work.

Dr. Carmelina Lawton Smith, a qualified MBTI practitioner and the EuRA Strategic Consultant for Education, led an interactive and stimulating day with extensive discussions about how individual profiles can influence how everyone works with clients and colleagues. Attendees were as diverse as Finland to Nigeria giving a rich and diverse perspective, together with the chance to network across the globe: Through a number of activities and discussions, everyone gained an understanding of how to recognise and adapt when working with those of a different ‘type’ to maximise the chances of success. ‘Fantastic course, highly informative and extremely useful’ was just one of the comments received, and all those who gave feedback would recommend the course to other people.

This course demonstrates how EuRA continues to be at the forefront of educational provision, developing leading edge customised and relevant training packages for the relocation industry. By bringing together leaders in industry specific knowledge and specialists in broader business ideas we aim to offer an unrivalled route to a professional and productive workforce. The Managing International Mobility (MIM) programme offers core industry training which can now be accessed free by all members through the EuRA website. To support the more experienced professional we are now building a portfolio of MIM+ on-line modules which will also soon be available free of charge to all EuRA members. These will support relocation career professionals by giving them accessible and relevant training options to expand their skills and broaden their knowledge.

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