Dubrovnik 2018 - Reception for Beverly Mayhew Retirement

Steve Burson - Orientations Inc
Peggy Love

Peggy Love Conference Summary

In 1999 I attended my first EuRA conference in Barcelona and since then I have attended all but 3 conferences. As many people through the years have said, I grew up in my professional life with EuRA and it is truly the professional family that we all cherish and love. As an expat kid and an expat adult my role as CEO of the small Destination Services company I founded was perfect for me. EuRA was perfect for me. Through the years I tried to be as active as I could in the organization. That meant being a speaker or a moderator at almost every single conference.

Tad Zurlinden

Dubrovnik 2018 - CEO Report

Twenty years of EuRA, twenty conferences.  Quite a milestone!  For EuRA, its members across the world and personally for me too.

Startups: A Growing Niche for Destination Service Providers

Startups: A Growing Niche for Destination Service Providers

With the already intense competition around destination services continually increasing, many DSPs are looking for new business niches to exploit. Startups are a perfect example, as they satisfy many of the key requirements for good a global mobility client. Although well-established organisations are usually the primary target for relocation businesses looking to expand their horizons, newer companies, such as startups are hungry for exceptional talent, and this can result in some significant early-career relocations for their staff.