Tad Zurlinden

CEO Special Report - Website Launch!

Another milestone!  EuRA’s new management system and website represent a big step forward and a significant investment in resources.  I have to thank our new partners, Open Up Media B.V. for the great job they have done integrating our systems and helping us to become future proof as we consider new reporting and training mechanisms for EuRA.  


The Conference and the Ash Cloud - The Story of the Palma Conference that Never Was...

EuRA and our members faced perhaps one of our greatest challenges when the volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted in Iceland spreading an ash cloud across Europe and closing all the airports.  As bad luck would have it, this coincided with our 2009 Conference in Palma de Mallorca.  This is the story as it unfolded...

I was keeping a diary of events on my Blackberry as we drove and then once we arrived in Palma. Here are those notes.

Wednesday 14th April 2010


Warsaw 2017


It’s just not possible to please all of the people all of the time, but this year’s EuRA Conference in Warsaw received a 99% rating of excellent or good, which is a record!  There are so many differing factors that enhance or diminish the experience that delegates have at a conference, but at EuRA, as with all our associated partners from Mobility and Moving, we try extremely hard to build on our successes. 


State of the Industry 2016


Global mobility is evolving.  As a newer phenomenon in the corporate world, the nature of the globally mobile workforce has been changing since it appeared in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  For our industry, trying to identify patterns in mobility programmes is key to delivering the services the clients need as well as to staying successful.